IMAGINE, CREATE AND CRITIQUE, a European Arts Education Seminar starts Wednesday evening (27 March) with a Youth Arts Action workshop. The core participation of the Seminar programme is an Arts Education Platform initiated by the Trans Europe Halles network of independent cultural centres across Europe. Beat Carnival’s Director is on the Steering Group of the Platform. The Platform members are concerned to examine ‘quality’ in our arts educational / participatory programming: what it is and how we know participants in our programmes are experiencing it and benefiting? 25 practitioners from 14 cultural centres in 11 countries will be here, plus other local practitioners at the open sessions. The Belfast Seminar, the 2nd of the TEH Arts Education Platform, takes place in the Greater Shankill neighbourhood where Beat Carnival Centre is located and the programme includes examination of methodology developments and participatory arts achievements here.
View and download the Seminar Programme > here.